why did you have to wake me up

have you ever noticed how

          busy we get setting goals we actually realise we won't be able to achieve

just so we can keep our dreams running on fast-forward

        so we won't let ourselves down.And all of a sudden you get to realise you won't be able to live your dreams, not even a little part of them, and that's only because you spend way too much time wondering, analising and discussing each and every "but" or "if" or "maybe".

things would be great running on slow-motion.

things get more comfortable

and sometimes, we just know when to let go to our imaginary problems, leaving no reasons and solutions to think about, 

and doesn't this feel a lot better?



oh yeah!;x

existam \dar nu traim

crezi ca niciodata n-o sa-ti fie asa, dar in fond, cine ai fost ca sa afirmi ca

"e mai bine asa".Da, e mai bine cand poti sa fugi si sa nu te mai complici, e mai bine sa primitivizezi lucrurile pentru ca e varianta cea mai usoara pentru tine, va fi mereu mai usor sa zici "nu se/mai/ poate" decat "nu vreau sa rezolv".E mai simplu sa renunti si sa pleci, e mai usor sa creezi o problema de care ulterior, sa nu te ocupi, chiar daca rezolvarea a fost motivul pentru care ai inventat-o.

E mai usor sa spui ca nu stii cum decat ca nu ai de gand.Te inteleg, cand ti-a fost mai lesne sa inchei just when things were getting better, decat sa continui si sa te gandesti la eventualele praguri care trebuiau trecute.

Why choose the easy way, when getting throug situations is much more fun?

things i write [about] aren't for any him, her, them

huh few really matter.;)

emotional rollercoaster

"wondering, pondering, just sitting here

feels like I alwas go through deja-vu."

I don't mind whether I was right or wrong 

but now I'm spinning round and round all over again and

all of a sudden I think I should've

Leapsa : "If I were a boy"

de la Patricia.

Gwen Stefani.

-pentru ca No Doubt nu ar fi fost ce a fost fara ea

-pentru ca si solo ii merge bine

-pentru ca are stil 

-pentru ca e una din foaaarte putinele gagici care pot purta par blond platinat, ruj rosu si imprimeu leopard (sau, in general, orice "aranjament" kitschos in sine) fara sa para vulgare sau prost imbracate si fara sa fie copii fidele ale lui Marylin(nu ca asta ar fi ceva rau)

-pentru ca zambeste mai mereu 

-pentru ca, indiferent ce poarta/canta are atitudine si incredere

-pentru ca are pielea alba si trasaturi imperfecte, dar armonioase si bine proportionate

-pentru ca arata al naibii de bine dupa doua sarcini

-pentru ca are L.A.M.B. - un label total diferit fata de "tiparul" labelurilor de vedeta

In continuare leapsa merge la Rommie.

What song describes...

imi pare rau ca nu mai retin pe ce blog am vazut leapsa asta, pentru ca din pacate nu-l salvasem in bookmarks sau in alta parte, deci ideea nu e tocmai a mea, insa mi s-a parut foarte draguta.Treaba e in felul urmator, si anume ca raspunsul la intrebari trebuie sa fie o melodie.O melodie care te duce cu gandul la, care reprezinta sau care ti se pare reprezentativa pur si simplu.

1.Azi a fost...

cliche, but it fits - Daniel Powter - Bad Day

2.Starea de acum...

Paolo Nutini - Rewind


Vitamin C - Graduation

4.Cum te vad ceilalti...

All Saints - Rock Steady

5.Cum te simti tu...

Regina Spektor - Fidelity

6.Ai vrut sa spui si nu ai spus totusi...

RHCP - By the way

7.Cand esti fericit...

The Velvet Underground - I'm sticking with you


Ingrid Michaelson - Keep Breathing

9.Prietenii tai...

Blink 182 - What's my age again


Anastacia ft. Ben Moody - Everything burns

In continuare, leapsa merge spre Rommie si Patricia.

Si spre Andra si Lucian, pentru ca pot:))))


sometimes things don't turn up the way we'd like to, just because we let'em pass by while we're too busy planning them

i'm sorry i didn;t say things when i should have, the way it should [have] be[en].


the way things should be

get along,



1. the feeling of lively and cheerful joy;  
2. the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up

on light coke

i guess i just used to say things aren't the way i want them to be, just as an excuse for not trying harder or not trying at all.lazyness:">

happy happy happy for no concrete reason whatsoever \:D/

faave song right now:X


could get better.pls

slow down, you crazy child

where's the fire

what's the hurry about you'd better

cool if off before you burn it out

you;ve got so much to do and only so many hours in a day

but you know that when the truth is told that

you can get what you want or you can

just get old

a whisper

mi-am amintit in urma cu doua zile, cand facea mama[;x] gogosi, cum framantam cand aveam de la 4 pana pe la 9 ani vreo bucatica mica de aluat alaturi de mama, cu atata ardoare si pasiune incat ai fi crezut ca urma sa ma pasioneze activitatea[aparent, inca n-a iesit la iveala mega talentul sau mega dorinta mea de a invata sa gatesc, pur si simplu nu am rabdare].Mereu faceam ursuleti.Tin minte ca, odata, am facut un soi de tablouas, o constructie din asta complicata care mi se lipea de maini si nu stiam cum sa fac sa iasa cat mai bine.Nu eram prea dezamagita cand, dupa ce mama prajea toate minunatiile care-mi treceau prin minte si care puteau fi foarte simplu concentrate intr-un amestec de faina, lapte si ce-se-mai-pune-in-gogosi, nu ieseau asa cum imi imaginam.Insa le mancam cu o deosebita placere, bineinteles dupa primeam laudele tuturor din casa [mai ales atunci cand era bunica la noi...bunica...].

Mereu cand buni venea la noi, jocul preferat era cel 'de-a studenta'.Luam niste carti, dintre care imi amintesc perfect de indreptarul ortografic, ortoepic si de punctuatie care acum sta undeva intr-o cutie, prafuit de ani si de timp, si ne jucam ca si cum eu as fi fost studenta.Nu era nicio regula, nicio replica bine stabilita, dar imi placea.Si tin minte o anume zi cand am fost profund ranita si suparata pt ca nu a vrut sa se joace cu mine, si am parat-o lui tata si toate lucrurile s-au rezolvat, that easy.

Zilele trecute, am incercat sa fac din nou un ursulet.In acelasi ritual, l-am prajit si l-am mancat.N-a mai fost bunica sa ma laude.N-a mai avut acelasi gust. N-a mai fost asa usor.

vezi tu

n-ar mai conta sa stiu unde si ce n-am putut...

look up,

there's sth you could use.

we're /not/ fine


whenever "I'm fine" I'm just trying to say things are not quite easy for me, and whenever things get this whicked I don't wanna accept when and where did you turn this way

i hope things turn up the way you wish.[friends?!]

what keeps us going on and on, over again...?!

we should really appreciate every single moment of our life, whether it's right or wrong, as we never know when things might get a fatal error.

do this, and that, and everything you wish.

is that alright?

thing come to an end as if they never existed, and get to reborn in other places, with other people, other feelings and other situations, and eventually they define each and every single bit of Us, of You or Me, so that we can move on [without] wondering when and where will Us or You or Me reborn.

time passes, things get

more comfortable.

[song obsession:x]


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